Welcome to COMADEM2012, 18-20 June 2012

Sustained Prosperity through Proactive Monitoring, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Management

Mr John Amoore MIMechE CEng BEng, Network Rail

Mr John AmooreAfter an early career in research and product development in the automotive components industry, John moved to the rail sector in 1986 as operations director for a company involved in the design, manufacture and operations of rail vehicles.

Following a period of consultancy with national and international railway undertakings, including two years with the Swedish national train operating company SJ, John joined Network Rail in 2003 as Senior Research Specialist. His activities have focussed on building collaboration with the European railway research community and increasing the engagement of UK universities in UK and European railway research.

John is a member of the European Technology Platform for Rail, the European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) and Work Package leader in the FP7 project ERRAC ROADMAP that has the task of defining the strategic research required to deliver the 2050 railway, and annually submits proposals for FP7 topics to the European Commission. Proposals that have succeeded in gaining EU funding under the FP7 arrangements include Automain that will develop the first steps in automating the track inspection and maintenance processes and Sustrail that investigates how freight trains and track may be improved to move towards non damaging interaction.

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Our Technical Co-Sponsors

18th – 20th June 2012

Delegate Registration Deadline:
31st May 2012

Important dates/deadlines
This event is part of the University's Diamond Jubilee celebrations